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Un siècle d'avance



ISBN: 9791096559107

Publication Date: June 15, 2024

Dimensions: 19x12 cm

Weight: 260. Gr

Language: Français

Number of Pages: 267

Category: Non-fiction

No detailed presentation available in English. Book published in French only.

Madeleine Pelletier (1874–1939) was a French pioneer in psychiatry and a radical feminist activist. Born in Paris to a modest family, she interrupted her studies at the age of 12 but resumed them at 20, earning her high school diploma in 1897 as an independent candidate, graduating with high honors in philosophy.

In 1906, she became the first woman in France to earn a medical degree in psychiatry. That same year, she joined the Freemasons and actively campaigned for women's rights, particularly within the French Section of the Workers' International (SFIO). She advocated for gender equality, women's suffrage, and access to contraception and abortion.

Pelletier often adopted a masculine appearance, wearing short hair and suits, to challenge the gender norms of her time. In 1937, she suffered a stroke that left her hemiplegic. Despite her condition, she was arrested in 1939 for performing illegal abortions and was confined to an asylum, where she passed away later that year.

Her unwavering commitment to women's emancipation and her contributions to psychiatry make her a significant figure in early 20th-century French feminism.

No excerpt available in English. Book published in French only.