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Ézéchiel Canard
ISBN: 9791096559084
Publication Date: May 15, 2024
Dimensions: 21x14x1,8 cm
Weight: 394. Gr
Language: Français
Number of Pages: 296
Category: FICTION
No detailed presentation available in English. Book published in French only.
Christian Lachenal is a French screenwriter, author, and musician, actively engaged in television, comic books, and music production. He has collaborated on several TV series, including Détectives and Camping Paradis.
In the world of comic books, he co-wrote La Fée Annan with Gihef, illustrated by Alberto Zanon, and published by Les Humanoïdes Associés.
As a music producer, he has worked on approximately 60 albums, collaborating with renowned artists such as Touré Kunda, Ismaël Lô, Coumba Gawlo, Angélique Kidjo, and Youssou N'Dour. He is also a founding member of "Le Chantier," a shared creative space for a collective of musicians, producers, and composers.
No excerpt available in English. Book published in French only.